Autistic Guild Code of Conduct

Rules for a guild chapter:

1. Every chapter of the guild must have a goal separate from, without overlapping, any other other guild chapter.

2. Every proposed chapter must be approved by the Autistic Guild

3. Every guild chapter must have an archon who reports progress to the guild and answers any questions or concerns they have

4. Every chapter must abide by guild rules

5. Every chapter must act with frugality, using the minimum amount of resources required to reach their goal

6. Any extra resources must be returned to the guild

7. Every guild chapter must have a charter

8. All chapter members must have access to the charter 

9. If a membership fee is charged, the fee must be reasonable and not differ based on Guild Rank

Rules for guild chapter charters:

1. It must follow guild format standards

2. It must outline the responsibilities of each guild rank

3. It must outline ethical standards in accordance with guild rules

4. It must state the purpose of the guild, the current archon, and a way to contact the Guild to report ethical concerns.

5. It must be updated whenever the elements of rule 4 are changed

6. It must have a protocol for disentanglement of the guild

Rules for archons:

1. You are subservient to the guild while acting as archon

2. You must follow your chapter's charter

3. It is your job to report and handle any ethical concerns

4. All chapter members must be made aware of how to contact the guild in case they suspect misconduct

5. Chapter members who report suspected misconduct must not be retaliated against

6. You, while following guild and charter code, may take necessary action to achieve your goals

7. You may promote the most able people, as in accordance with your chapter's charter.

8. Any demotion or expulsion should be reported to the guild and will be considered temporary until the guild approves it.

9. There are 2 types of archons: Grand Archons and Positional Archons

10. Grand archons are leaders of settlements or are admitted by vote of the guild. They may vote on guild matters

11. Positional Archons are leaders of projects. They may speak on guild matters, but do not get a vote

Rules for the Autistic Federation:

1. The Autistic Federation consists of every member of the guild or any person who lives in a guild settlement

2. The Autistic Federation is ran democratically by Grand Archons

3. In any territory that the guild is not Sovereign over, local laws supercede guild laws

4. The purpose of the Federation is to provide a place for Autists to thrive without fear of discrimination

Rules for the Autistic Guild:

1. The Guild must act in the best interests of the Autistic Community

2. The Guild may not violate human rights

3. The Guild must investigate ethical concerns

4. The Guild may do what it thinks best for its members

5. The Guild must comply with local legal authorities

6. The Guild is ran democratically by Grand Archons

Guild Governance:

1. All Guild actions must be approved by a majority vote of Grand Archons

2. The Guild must maintain a list of Charters on its website for public viewing

3. All Guild Actions must be recorded and published on its website

4. The Guild must comply with relevant legal authorities

5. The Guild has a duty to educate itself to its best ability before taking actions

Chapter Governance:

1. A Chapter is controlled by its Archon

2. The Archon must act in compliance with the Guild, the Chapter's charter, and local laws

3. Chapters should be ran democratically, if possible

Rules for Members:

1. Honesty is the best policy 

2. Try to avoid hurting feelings without lying 

3. You may protect yourself from NTs through omission or lies if necessary

4. Autistics should help each other when the chance arrives

Grounds for expulsion:

1. Serious violent crimes

2. Sexual Assault or Harassment

3. Purposeful and knowing bigotry

4. Theft or fraud from the organization

5. Refusal to reform or insubordination after directives from the guild

6. Other unjust behavior that the guild finds fit for expulsion

Grounds for demotion:

1. Failure to act in the best interest of the guild

2. Minor crimes that affect the image of the guild

3. Inability to accomplish assigned tasks

4. Any act or failure that could cause embarrassment to the guild